Cloth Diapers
Reusable cloth diapers made in Europe from European fabrics. Cloth nappies save the environment, your baby's sensitive skin as well as your family budget!
Choose between the most comfortable Pocket Diapers, or the combination of Diaper Covers and Absorbing Inserts in case you prefer the versatile AI2 diaper system. There are also Fitted Diapers which offer the highest reliability against leaks, or the economical Muslin Squares.
Not sure how many diapers you will need? Pick one of our Diaper Value Packs where we did the maths for you.
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A set of reusable cloth diapers, a full diaper stash, everything you need from birth to potty. AI2 DUO diapers (waterproof Diaper Covers and separate absorbing inserts) and easy...
Helping you choose the best cloth diaper
In case you need any advice (be it general questions about cloth diapers or specific questions about what diapers to choose for your baby), feel free to drop us a line in the chatbox below. You can also have a look at the "All about Cloth Diapers" page or our Cloth Diaper Blog where you will find lots of useful information.
Are you wondering about maintenance of cloth diapers? Are you lost in the types of cloth diapers and various diaper systems? Do you need advice on how to build the best cloth diaper stash? Or which cloth diaper is the best for a newborn baby? You can find all the answers in our blog.